Health Coaching FAQs
Why choose health restoration coaching?
All systems of the body work intricately together and must be in sync to function effectively and achieve holistic health and wellness. If even one part of one system is out of balance, it creates a ripple effect, leading to dysfunction in other parts of the body. Sara, RN at Inspire Wellness NEW helps clients bridge this gap through listening, comprehensive lab testing, and developing plans tailored to help meet individual goals, restore balance, and transform holistic well-being. This is achieved through investigating root causes of dysfunction, identifying stressful triggers, reducing inflammation, and restoring innate healing abilities.
What is all the hype with gut health? Did you know…
- Over 40% of the world’s population is affected by functional gastrointestinal disorders?
- Imbalances in the gut microbiome leads to mucosal inflammation, impairs digestion and absorption of nutrients, can lead to food allergies and sensitivities, affects cellular metabolism which has been linked to type II diabetes, and can impair vascular tone which increases the risk for cardiovascular disease and migraines?
- Seventy-five percent of the body’s immune cells reside in the gut? Gut inflammation reduces systemic immune responses and its ability to protect against pathogens and other toxins.
- Constant stress, including gut stress, can affect hormone levels, including cortisol and thyroid hormone function.
- Thyroid hormone conversion from T4 to T3 occurs primarily in the intestines and liver? If the gut is inflamed or liver detoxification pathways are stressed, this can affect thyroid hormone levels.
- The gut and brain work together in what is called the gut-brain axis. Healthy gut function is essential for nutrient absorption, which serves as the building blocks for cells. These nutrients also facilitate cell repair and production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, and other brain chemicals. Impairment of these levels can contribute to anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and more.
Why do my hormone levels matter?
Hormones communicate with all cells of the body. Imbalances in hormone levels can lead to chronic multisystem dysfunction.
Why does my nutritional intake matter?
- Healthy foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed for cell maintenance and repair. Fiber-rich foods, fermented foods, and polyphenols are just a few of the nutrient dense foods to include in your daily diet.
- Sugar, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods are harmful to the body and promote the development of unhealthy bacteria and yeast in the gut.
Why take supplements?
Supplements provide essential nutrients to help reduce inflammation, facilitate cell and tissue repair, and restore balance to the body. For example, hormone production and communication occur through multistep processes with body cells to elicit specific responses. If one of these steps is impaired by gut inflammation, the hormonal responses are blocked or dysfunctional and the client becomes symptomatic. Supplements deliver tools the body needs to repair these processes and restore normal cellular function.
Will my insurance cover health coaching appointments?
Inspire Wellness NEW is a direct pay office and does not accept insurance payments. This allows us to keep costs lower than larger corporate clinics and healthcare facilities. All major credit cards, FSA, and HSA cards are accepted (cash or check payments are accepted for health coaching appointments). Clients are encouraged to contact their insurance company and/or submit any receipt to inquire about coverage.
How do I book my appointment?
Contact Sara at (920) 393-8268 or email to schedule.
IV Vitamin Therapy FAQs
What is the difference between oral and IV vitamins?
Fluids and vitamins given intravenously go directly into the bloodstream bypassing digestion. This means they are absorbed quicker and more efficiently than oral vitamins, which can facilitate quicker relief of symptoms.
Why should I consider IV therapy?
- Fluids, vitamins, and minerals are essential for healing, especially when ill or if oral intake is poorly tolerated.
- Older age as well as some chronic illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and other malabsorption disorders can affect proper absorption and digestion of nutrients necessary for cell maintenance and repair.
- Dietary intake and lifestyle choices may contribute to nutrient deficiencies, damaging free radical production, and increased vitamin, mineral, or hydration needs.
Who administers my IV therapy?
Under the direction of a licensed medical provider, Sara, an RN certified in health restoration coaching and emergency nursing with almost 20 years of nursing and nursing education experience, will administer the IV therapy.
Where can I receive an IV therapy treatment?
This can be done onsite at the Inspire Wellness NEW facility in Suamico, WI or mobile at the client’s location of choice within 35 miles of range noted in the Hydreight® app.
What types of infusions are offered?
Infusion blends include IV fluid plus a variety of different vitamins and minerals including magnesium, Vitamin C, B-vitamins, zinc, glutathione, amino blends, mineral blends, and more. Most can be administered intravenously, while some additional options are available intramuscularly. Not sure which infusion is right for you? We can help you select the best options based on your health and wellness goals. See our menu for more details.
What are the steps for scheduling an IV therapy appointment?
- Several options are available. Go to and select “Book IV Session.” This will take you to the IV booking page. Alternatively, go directly to the IV booking page
Note: Location permissions for your browser or mobile phone must be turned on. - On your mobile device, download the Hydreight© app, create an account, and search for Inspire Wellness NEW in Suamico, WI. Select Sara as your service provider and book an appointment.
- Contact Sara at Inspire Wellness NEW to schedule your appointment. Reach out to or call (920) 393-8268.
How often can I book an IV hydration appointment?
While it may vary depending on the treatment selected and client health status, no more than one IV infusion per week is the general recommendation.
Who can receive IV hydration?
Adults 18 years and older. A telehealth Good Faith Exam (GFE) is required for each new client with one of our licensed medical providers and at least every 6 months after, unless a change in health status has occurred. GFE requirements may be more frequent with select treatments.
Will my insurance cover IV hydration appointments?
Inspire Wellness is a direct pay office and currently does not accept insurance payments. This allows us to keep costs lower than larger corporate clinics and healthcare facilities. All major credit cards, FSA, and HSA cards are accepted (cash payments not accepted at this time). Payment for IV infusions is processed through the Hydreight© app.
Do I need a prescription from my primary care provider?
This is not required. Inspire Wellness NEW works with licensed medical providers under the supervision of a board-certified medical director/physician. Infusion protocols are developed in conjunction with a registered pharmacist and reviewed at least yearly. Clients are required to fill out a medical health history questionnaire at their first appointment, to be updated with any change in health status and every 6 months.
Is NAD offered at Inspire Wellness NEW?
Yes, this is a client-specific order that must be prescribed by our medical provider. Clients must also have a Good Faith Exam prior to administration.
Are discounts or gift cards available?
Yes, gift cards are available for purchase and make great holiday and birthday gifts! Discounts are offered at various times throughout the year.
Detoxification Foot Bath FAQs
How does the detoxification foot bath work?
The detoxification footbath works via a process called ionic osmosis that uses energized water and salt to draw toxins out of the body. The electric current created in this process causes water to break down into negatively charged hydroxide (OH-) and positively charged hydrogen ions, which causes electrons to move. The use of salt in the water creates a hypertonic solution in which the feet are placed. The energy field created causes toxins to be released from tissues. Mobilized toxins are then pulled from the body through the feet into the water via osmosis. The net result is cellular cleansing that helps restore balance to the body!
Why should I consider a detoxification foot bath?
- We are exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Though exposures can be significantly reduced by making positive changes in nutrition, activity, air and water purification, sleep, and products used in the home, they cannot be avoided all together. Only when a person’s detoxification pathways are supported can the body eliminate toxins efficiently and effectively. The foot bath is one means of supporting optimal detoxification health.
- Other possible benefits include but are not limited to: improved cellular absorption and cleansing, immunity boost, increased energy, improved hydration, circulation, and oxygenation throughout the body; clearer skin, better sleep patterns, weight management support; and reduction in inflammation, aches & pains, and overall stress.
Who provides the detoxification foot bath service?
Inspire Wellness NEW is owned and operated by Sara Lindgren, a masters-prepared RN with extensive experience in emergency care, wellness, health coaching, IV therapy, and client education. She is a certified emergency nurse as well as certified in health coaching, functional nutrition, and is certified by Energetic Systems as a practitioner of the Optimum Footbath System.
Who can receive a detoxification foot bath?
- Children as young as five years old up to adults of all ages.
- Persons with the following conditions should avoid detoxification foot baths: pregnant or nursing, history of an organ transplant, epilepsy or other seizure disorder; persons with pacemakers, implanted cardioverter defibrillators (ICD), or other implanted electronic devices; persons taking life-threatening medications.
- Those taking prescription medications should consult with their medical provider prior to detoxification footbaths.
Will I experience side effects from the foot bath?
Every person is different. While you may not experience any side effects during or after a foot bath, common symptoms that may represent a higher toxic burden and therefore more difficulty eliminating toxins include but are not limited to: fatigue, congestion, rash or skin dyscrasia, headache, low-grade fever, dizziness, temporary change in bowel or urination (often occurs post-foot bath due to the body continuing to pull out toxins afterwards), mood change, aches or discomfort.
How often can I receive a detoxification foot bath?
- For deeper cleansing, appointments can be booked as often as every three days up to 14 services for optimal results. After this, a 21-day “holiday” is recommended before booking another service.
- Length of service depends on the person, their age, underlying health, and response to the foot bath. Foot baths can be up to 35 minutes in duration.
Where can I receive my detoxification foot bath service?
Will my insurance cover detoxification foot bath appointments?
Inspire Wellness NEW is a direct pay office and does not accept insurance payments. This allows us to keep costs lower than larger corporate clinics and healthcare facilities. All major credit cards, FSA, and HSA cards are accepted (cash or check payments are accepted for detoxification foot bath appointments).
How can I book my appointment?
Contact Sara at (920) 393-8268 or email to schedule.
Appointments can be booked at the main Inspire Wellness NEW facility or at the Savoye Salon Spa location (both in Suamico, WI).